


We provide specialised consultancy services and reporting in the field of 构建ing energy efficiency and Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD). Our goal is to find solutions to balance development costs while also providing a well-designed green 构建ing that complies with all relevant 构建ing energy efficiency regulations. 皇家88娱乐经验丰富的顾问拥有机械工程和可持续设计学位, 所以你知道你是在和专家打交道,他们能带来很好的结果.



Section J of the National Construction Code (NCC) aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by ensuring the energy efficiency of 构建ings. 通过皇家88娱乐的咨询, 皇家88娱乐强调了J部分的能效要求, provide assessments to ensure deemed-to-satisfy (DTS) provisions are met and prepare compliance statements through an extensive analysis of reports and detailed inspections. We also highlight areas where using the JV3 Verification Method would be more practical or cost-efficient.


使用最新的建模软件(IESVE), our JV3 Verification specialists analyse the proposed 构建ing’s annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to ensure they do not exceed that of a 构建ing meeting DTS provisions. 皇家88娱乐提供详细的咨询, 技术建议, 并报告设计/材料变更以满足J部分的要求. Our solar photovoltaic expertise also allows us to incorporate renewable energy contributions to offset the proposed 构建ing’s GHG emissions.


Our NatHERS-accredited consultants use the latest modelling software (HERO) to provide glazing and insulation options that meet the architectural intent of the 构建ing while also maintaining an understanding of the practicality and implications of certain BASIX and NatHERS commitments. 居住朝向等因素, 平面布局, 阴影, 通风, 和建筑材料都对NatHERS星级评级有重大影响. 注重价值工程和良好的可构建性, 每个项目都准备了详细的, 简单易懂的水的总结, 能源和热舒适的承诺,以确保客户意识.


Condensation and mould growth within external walls and roofs can be harmful to human health and cause rotting of insulation, 木板和框架. Our certified consultants use hygro热 modelling software to provide condensation analysis and management assessments and predict mould growth based on substrate material, 温度及相对湿度. We also provide 技术建议 for minimising the risk of mould growth in your 构建ing and complying with the latest NCC requirements.


Green Star assessments ensure that 构建ings are working to minimise their carbon footprint and improve the health and well-being of occupants. 通过他们的经历, 信用标准知识和技术建议, 皇家88娱乐充满激情的绿星认证专业团队将指导您的项目从概念到完成. 皇家88娱乐与客户密切合作, 承包商主管, and each consultant to ensure that the highest and most practical standards for sustainability are met along the way.


WELL is an international and scientifically- backed 构建ing standard that ensures occupant health and well-being when designing and constructing new 构建ings. 通过指导您完成从概念到完成的过程, our WELL-accredited assessors can help you meet the performance-based and prescriptive standards to become a WELL-certified 构建ing that can help improve occupant nutrition, 情绪, 健康和睡眠模式.


NABERS承诺协议是一份设计合同, 构建, 为减少温室气体排放,委托和运营建筑物的场所. 该协议概述了申请人必须遵循的流程,以获得设计审查的目标评级. 皇家88娱乐的队伍是有经验的, 完成NABERS在一系列领域的承诺协议所需的人才和知识, 包括暖通空调机械, 电, 权力, 可再生能源, 建设, 立法及项目管理.


创建于维多利亚, BESS helps 构建ers and developers in the planning permit stage achieve sustainable design outcomes for communities. 使用BESS工具, our experts can assess factors like water efficiency and 热 comfort with the goal of suggesting ways to improve a 构建ing's sustainability performance. 使用能源, 热, daylight and glare simulations further allows us to rationalise designs to achieve compliance while maximising the natural lighting and window area in a dwelling.


使用最新的建模软件(RadienceIES), 皇家88娱乐的专家可以帮助建筑最大限度地利用自然光, 尽量减少眩光和保持热舒适,而不需要过多的能源消耗. We also use NCC Natural Light Simulation and other appropriate assessment/verification methods to measure the natural daylight in all habitable rooms so that it meets an average daylight factor of not less than 2%.


Energy and 热 comfort simulation is used to predict the realistic annual energy demand of a 构建ing once completed and help minimise the use of artificial heating and cooling. Our experts can perform energy and 热 simulations for accurate predictions of annual energy demand and 热 comfort levels of a 构建ing. 皇家88娱乐还协助建议设计和服务变更,以实现有效的结果, 从而在建筑的整个生命周期内降低能源成本.


Development Control Plans (DCPs) are detailed planning and design guidelines in NSW that present a consent authority's expectations for Local Government Areas (LGAs). 在皇家88账户注册, our sustainability specialists skilfully assess and provide advice to ensure that a planned development will meet the sustainability objectives and outcomes of the LGA. These sustainability commitments ultimately result in positive planning outcomes which benefit the broader community.


现场光伏设计可行性使皇家88娱乐能够帮助客户选择合适的光伏系统. Our experts calculate the estimated 权力 generation of a particular system and use this information in combination with cost estimations to develop a feasibility study, 包括投资回报率和投资回收期. 利用皇家88娱乐的太阳能光伏专业知识, we incorporate this information into the JV3 Verification Method and count as renewable energy to offset the proposed 构建ing’s GHG emissions.


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